When I was at school we were taught the correct way of writing letters to people. Your address on the top right hand of the paper followed by the date… the address of who you were writing to on the left… Dear Sir/ Mr… how to format the letter and of course how to sign off. Nowadays all these things are thrown out of the window! Who even writes letters? I remember when I got my first computer I somehow taught myself how to send e mails and my… it was extremely difficult (I was not at all tech savvy then nor even now for that matter ) but the degree of satisfaction I got whenever I managed to send one was immense! On numerous occasions I would write a long letter to either my daughter or my niece only for it to disappear… and I wasn’t the fastest of typers ( is that even a word?) so to my dismay all my hard work just vanished. I would then proceed to phone them bewailing my lost letter and they would talk me through where it may have gone and how to retrieve it. It would of course been easier to just scrap that and talk to them one on one but no… I had to send the letter also. And then of course the actual letters… I could never just start with Hey or What’s up… it was always Dear …. and the first line was always ‘How are you?’ I never used abbreviations or short forms and my letter was always split into paragraphs. How my children must have laughed!!! Now of course with mobile phones and WhatsApp messages we have moved to a different league!! I still think lol means ‘lots of love’ and whatever you might say it takes me longer to figure out what someone’s saying with all these so called “short” forms than if they’d typed out the whole word. And of course my pet peeve is when people write how r u and c u soon and the absolute worst is when people write ‘d’ instead of ‘the’… how is d weather… d cat is under d tree…. Der is sum thing wrong…. How much longer does it take to type the… it’s only 2 more letters… are you so so busy that you are saving such valuable time? I suppose you could just say I am old school and as my daughter says… ‘ the Queen of England’… she’s gone now bless her soul but ‘ the King of England’ doesn’t have the same ring!! However I will just trundle along and try and adapt to the new world whenever required but I still think.. old is gold!


One response to “Old Habits Die Hard”

  1. Chandana Dutt Avatar
    Chandana Dutt

    I with you hundred percent. Remember when first started to write my meanderings on the computer! Save , save I reminded my self. If you forgot it vanished! After too many vanishing, I lost my desire to write travelogue’s

    so really why D . My training too in letter writings make me cringe at some things f the short cuts.

    keep writing. We are kindred spirits


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